Monday, May 11, 2020

The Epic Of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, And Beowulf - 854 Words

In today’s society, many humans define themselves by various means. How others perceive them, personality traits, profession, and tangible assets often define individuals. Others use intangible characteristics and their believe system in God or a god/gods. As we age and experience life, many people change the way they define themselves. Throughout the â€Å"Epic of Gilgamesh†, â€Å"Oedipus the King†, â€Å"The Odyssey†, and â€Å"Beowulf†, the readers notice how society defines each main character by their heroic characteristics, the relationship between the humans and the divine, and the differences of how each hero’s journey ends. Gilgamesh, Oedipus, Odysseus, and Beowulf display several characteristics classifying themselves as heroes. In the story of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is â€Å"two-thirds divine and one-third human† (Gilgamesh, par 2). He displays heroism, perseverance, and loyalty by building a monumental wall to protect his kingdom, Urek. Gilgamesh goes on an epic in hopes of finding immortality and on his journey he faces adversity several times. He ends up not finding immortality but becomes â€Å"a profoundly changed man† (Gilgamesh, par 8). In Oedipus the King, Oedipus shows courage when he solves the Sphinx’s riddle. The city of Thebes crowns him king over the city and he marries the queen. King Oedipus shows honor when he takes the responsibility of solving the reason of the city’s plague and sends his brother-in-law, Creon, to Apollo’s Oracle in hopes of finding an answer. In theShow MoreRelatedThe Epic Of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, And Beowulf1962 Words   |  8 PagesIn this argument essay, it consists of three texts: The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, and Beowulf. During each of the characters journey, they face challenges such as fighting with monsters and with that they either develop a greater sense of mortality or a greater sense of identity. 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