Saturday, October 19, 2019

Final part Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Final part - Essay Example My 1st day at the organization began with the formal signing of wavier forms to indicate that I was indeed working there. My supervisor then enlightened me on the tools that were available as well as the duties that I would carry out during the day. My first role was helping him on putting up frames for a house that had been set up in the locality. This involved putting up exterior wood panels so as to cover the already put up frames by nailing them together. Through combined efforts, we were also able to put up ladder blocking in the walls. I also joined another team of workers at the construction site and helped them the top wooden stud of the house in its appropriate place. On the 2nd day, my supervisor assigned me and other volunteers to work on putting up the roof. I assisted in laying of shingles as a base set up for the roof. There was a roofing professional on site to guide on how to properly roof the house in order to avoid any leakages in times of rain. He guided us through proper alignment and nailing of tar papers as well as layering of the shingles in their proper places. We were then required to install the aluminum roof side covers, a process that required effective teamwork to ensure that each nail was properly nailed in its rightful place. Afterwards, we were required to go round the house confirming that the wall panels were all nailed down properly. I was able to identify and rectify a few of errors all by myself by applying what I had previously learnt. In the course of my volunteer ship, I was able to gain 1st hand experience of what I had orally learnt at school. The basis safety guidelines while constructing a house made more sense now that I had carried the out practically. The idea of teamwork during the construction of a house made more sense to me at that time than when it was being taught in class. I was also able to analyze the principles of construction that I had been taught earlier. This was in

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